Saturday, July 23, 2011

Six Weeks In!

A few people have reminded me that I have not posted anything for quite a while. Funny how it is more difficult to blog about being a dad, now that I am actually a dad! Time is probably the most challenging thing to deal with. The heat is a pain, work is a drag, sleep is awful (the lack of sleep that is), but time is what becomes scarce! There was a day once where Sarah and I got up and got out with Miles, happy to be out of the house, on our way to the morning coffee. One of us sighed and commented on how nice it was to get out of the house early, and start our was 4:00 PM.

We were both a bit shocked about how we lost track of time. I do successfully make it to work, but I am pretty sure I have been wearing the same 5 out fits (maybe mixing pant and shirt combos over the different weeks). Some nights I feel like I get a great night's rest (I don't think Sarah ever gets a great night's rest). Other nights, it is like an all night raging night of activity, and only coffee helps me get my work done at work, and not curl up under my desk for a nap.

With all that going against us, I have to say Miles has had a great summer. In his first six weeks of life he has been to the beach 6 times, to several pool parties, to Block Island, to Newport, out to eat a few times, some nice longs walks with the tribe (though we pretty much retired the dogs for now, they were awful on the walks), dozens of trips to different stores, yoga, play dates and he even hosted his first party! He is living quite the summer life, thanks to his adventurous mom!

It seems like he changes everyday, and I can't believe how much he has already grown (already over 10 lbs)! Sarah and I are both working hard to ensure that his first word is mum or dada, though I am sure it will be some other word, probably offensive, that we say in front of him all the time.

It has been a tough couple of days with the extreme heat, but hopefully the summer will now moderate back to normal temperatures. I think that will really help the sleeping at night!

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