Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Holiday Season and Winter Running

The Holiday season brings people together from all over the place, to see each other, exchange holiday cheer, and of I have eaten so much over the last few weeks, it is amazing. I had parties at work (2 just for the same 10 people in my office, because one wasn't enough!). Parties with people I used to work with at Brown. Parties with friends and meals with family, and because we are so spread out, multiple meals with different people, which will probably continue for the next month. Not to mention the Anniversary Extravaganza (5 years strong this year), which also entailed a great deal of eating. So of course I gained the inevitable holiday weight, 7 lbs. However, unlike previous years, I lost 5 of it over the last week, just from running! Winter running however. I am not a big fan of winter running. Since Mother Nature blessed us with a foot of snow a few weeks ago, it has been slow melt. And every time it melts, it freezes again, creating ice. This doesn't create the most ideal running conditions, but the attached photo is from a 9 mile run from this morning, which really was a beautiful except for the ice and snow that we had to run over once and a while!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I am still running

Sarah and I have some pretty ambitious goals for our running. Sarah has received the training plan for the next 9 weeks. Let's just say that seeing it all written down can be pretty overwhelming. One of the weeks we have to run 45 miles! However, these are not the things that currently blow my mind when it comes to running. It is the fact that I have stuck with it. I was up until 2:00 AM Saturday having fun being a twenty something (while it still lasts). Sunday morning, we got up at 7:00, and I ran 10 miles. Tuesday morning it was 15 degrees outside, we got up and went running at 5:30, and ran 5 miles. Tonight, it was flurrying outside as I drove to meet the running group, and I still ran, 6 miles. I thought for sure the cold would have halted my progress, but if you get the right clothes, it really isn't that bad out side. Except my lips are super chapped!