One thing did however get out from Man Night. As the night proceeded, and alcohol and testosterone got the better of everyone's judgement, my Facebook was hijacked by my fellow men. A posting was put out there about male breastfeeding, which gave us all a good laugh. I realize today however that many people have taken the posting quite seriously. I even got some pretty good sources of information about how to make this a reality.
I figured I would set the record straight. As much as I am appreciative of those who have given support to the idea, I am not sure I am up for man breast feeding, mostly because I am a hairy guy and I think there is some logistical issues I would not be able to work out. I can bond with the child in other ways, and I am sure in the early stages I will bond with him/her while changing the dirty diapers.
What seemed to be a window into my father-to-be emotions in that posting was really the out come of hours of drinking and what was a golden opportunity for my mates to play a little prank. So now we can see how the new technologies and the phenomenon of social media continues to touch the different aspects of our society, even showing its reach to the coveted Man Night.

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