So we have a baby's room, clean sheets, clean baby cloths, clean diapers and a bunch of other stuff ready for junior! Thanks to some help from Aunt Emily, we have a car seat installed. We have packed the go bag. In fact pretty much everything on our todo list has been checked off! It is getting really exciting, and I don't really have to wait that much longer. I mean I know technically it could still be 3 additional weeks of waiting, but the excitement remains there.
We still don't know if the baby is a boy or girl, which is definately adding to the excitement of the due date. We will get to find out whose take home outfit gets to go on the baby, which by the way, even if I am wrong, I may put it on the baby anyway.
I am not sure the whole Dad thing has really hit me yet. I yelled at my dog yesterday (for throwing up on the rug). The poor dog probally could not help it, though I wished he had thrown up on the floor which is easier to clean. I think I got so mad because he through up because he drank the water too fast. I mean slow down, that water is always there, and if it runs out, we will get more for you. My cat literally did the same thing this morning, she ate her food too fast and through it up. Anyway, after I yelled at the dog, I felt a little bad, and then I thought about how one day, a child is going to say something back to me when I am trying the discipline it. When I say, don't wear your dirty shows on the rug, they will at some point know to say, but you have your shoes on. (even though my shoes will likely be clean).
I guess I have a bit of time to wait for the back talking, and battles of logic with a child about why certain things make sense, and others don't. Now that the car seat is installed, I realize that driving around with the child is going to be very distracting. How to you concentrate on the road when all you want to do is look at the little baby sleeping in the back seat, or the little one screaming at the top of their lungs in the back seat, either way a precious moment you won't want to miss!