We did a couple of huge races this summer. In July we did the Blessing of the Fleet, a 10 mile race with over 3,000 runners, and in August we did the Falmouth Road Race (thanks again by the way to all those who donated), which was a 7 mile race with over 10,000 runners. In addition to those races, we have put training into high gear. Marathon Boot Camp is probably one of the most physically exhausting things I have ever done. Sarah and I woke up one day a little before 4:00 AM, and ran a 15 mile route, before work! This was definitely an interesting run, we saw some of Providence's finest, including a well experienced employee of the Cadillac Lounge getting off work, and we witnessed some of Providence's prostitutes doing business. The hardest part of the run though, was getting dressed and into work on time after running for over two hours. Today was the best yet though, we have finally broken our record for our farthest run ever. A 17 mile run, and now we have the rest of day to relax and enjoy this fine late summer day! Only a little over a month to go until the marathon and things are looking pretty good!